Thursday, May 10, 2012

Getting Back On Track (I Think)

Well, I've not been blogging for a bit and that's because I have been relaxing and working on new stuff. I needed to step back and put everything on the table so I could see what really needed my attention. May is my month of rest and I'm doing just that. I'm hoping to get more interviews for The Dean's List and more fan pics for the video I'm doing to thank the fans of the show.

I've talked about the Goodwill's Mr. Knoxville Contest and how I'm raising money for this cause. Goodwill provides a service in the community that helps folks get things that they need and that's the kind of cause I can stand behind. I want to help the local comedy community by showcasing them on my show, but I also want to showcase others and their talents. That's just how I am and Goodwill is the kind of cause I can relate to and want to stand with.

I am planning a wrestling show, some comedy shows, a special "drag" show, and many other ideas are running through my mind. If you'd like to make a donation to Goodwill please contact me at and I will email you the information on how to do that, or if you see me out just hand me a sealed envelope labeled Goodwill and I'll get it to them.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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