Monday, May 28, 2012

It's Memorial Day and today we take time to remember the soldiers that lost their lives to protect our freedoms, to thank those currently serving, and to buy mattresses... Wait, how does buying a mattress remind us of Memorial Day??? That's the most ri-cock-ulous (JD Maverick and April Hunter word) thing I've ever heard!!! Today is a time to gather with friends and families and enjoy the times you've had and look to the future times we'll have together, not buying a damn mattress!

I personally would like to thank all of the men and women for their service. Without you I couldn't be the goofy guy that I am and say the things that I do. You rock and should be thanked everyday, not just one or two days out of the year!

Update: I will be back on stage telling jokes and making folks laugh till they choke in June. Be sure to check out my store and if ya like the items, buy them and spread the word.

Enjoy and as always:
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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