Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Zombie Apocalypse

Everyone I know is constantly asking, "Do you have a 'Zombie Apocalypse' plan?" and I honestly do not. It always makes me laugh when someone asks that question. I guess it's because it seems so far-fetched that it would ever happen. I have started thinking about it more and more due to the fact that more and more folks become dependent on drugs and they end up looking like the "walking dead". I'm currently watching a Zombie movie (I really like Horror movies if ya haven't noticed) and the characters in the movie are pretty resourceful by going to a shopping center and getting supplies. In this movie animals can become zombies as well... Great now if a bird poops on me I'm gonna flip out even more than normal! All in all, I would want to make sure my friends were ok if this ever did happen. Have pleasant nightmares, kiddies! ;)
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