Tuesday, May 22, 2012


If I ever become famous, I will always take time for my fans. If not for them, I wouldn't be where I am and for that I am thankful! I have twitter, youtube, facebook and this blog/website to be able to chat with my fans. It's pretty cool to see how many folks have read my posts and checked out the videos and interviews that I have done. I hope that many more are on the horizon! I'm currently sitting in the breakroom at work totally spent from dealing with Hospice and families that have lost someone the day or two before. This job for me is a little taxing and I'm praying that one day I can do the one thing I've wanted to do for years... entertain! Everytime I get a chance to make someone laugh it brightens my day. I used to be this bad attitude, piss poor look at life, downer and people don't wanna be around that guy. They wanna be around the "celebrity" and have fun. In June, I'm back to having fun on and off stage. God, please help them get ready... for they know not what I'm gonna do!

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