Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Have ya noticed that the proverbial "hot girls" are the ones that are insecure and the "big girls" are the ones flaunting their stuff! I'm just amazed how the media will push these stick-thin women as the most beautiful women in the world and the women with curves are just not attractive. I don't know about ya'll but I like a woman with curves cause I don't have brakes! Hehe I have seen these "itty-bitty" ladies and they always say they can be thinner... Any more thin and you'll be dead!!! Now to the other extreme, those "big girls" that are about three feet wider than all of outside... Push away from the buffet and let the stick-thins in! (No, I didn't say Thin Mints!) It's one thing for a lady with curves to come across as sexy, attractive, or even downright HOTT! (Yeah, two T's even!) It's another when you have a zip code and a postal office on the back of your neck! For the folks that think I'm "picking on" these examples I say this: "I'm saying openly what you're afraid to say!' 'I'm not Perez Hilton cutting people down like he did before, I'm speaking the truth!"

I'm all for self expression but, when we can see your skeleton or see how hard it is for you to breathe when you take a step there's a problem. I don't want the Government to tell me what I can or cannot consume on a daily basis, but we keep giving them reasons to do so when we have that fifth helping of Ben And Jerry's Chunky Munky (however they spell it) or we vomit after every meal even Celery! It's time to wake up from the Sugar Comas we've been under and accept the fact we need to Gain/Lose some pounds to be healthy. I have and it's difficult, nothing worth anything comes easy! (Thanks Granny, I always hated that saying!) I've started with me, when will you start?

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