Sunday, May 13, 2012

Relaxing and Interviews

I've taken May off to really relax and re-cooperate since I pushed myself so hard to get back into the swing of things here in the Knoxville comedy scene. I should've taken my time and not pushed to get back. That's my fault! The funny thing is, I have the same support I had before the surgery and I haven't really missed a beat. I do however wanna be on stage again, but I do need to take care of myself so I can give a hundred percent on stage.

I've been towing the line for The Dean's List and I'm planning on going to Chattanooga soon to interview the comics that rock the stages down there. I also wanna get some bands on the show as well... The local comics here in Knoxville need to let me know when they wanna be on the show. Some have said that they wanna do the show, only to never have time to be on... If ya wanna be on let me know by email and give dates that you are available for interview. I want this to be something club owners or bar owners depending on your style, watches and says: "I want them at my club/bar!"

That's what I want for you all, the question now is: "When do you wanna be on the show?"

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