Saturday, April 28, 2012

Off The Chain

Time to catch ya'll up cause I've missed a couple days, I think... I can't recall, but that's besides the point. Last night was PROMedy at Side Splitters Comedy Club and I had a blast watching my good friend Kristine Kinsey host for the very funny headliner The Midnight Swinger! AWESOME show and then the festivities afterwards were just as AWESOME! DJ Jake James on the wheels of steel and the party was off the chain!

I am working on getting some new parodies and I'm writing new material from my life... I hope it works, but it's true stuff and it makes me laugh :) I'm also working on getting more folks on The Dean's List as well as going outside of Knoxville, TN to do more shows and interviews. Work willing, I'll be able to just that. If not... Well that's for another story...

Got some editing to do and will have some interviews uploaded hopefully this Sunday!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Less Than Jake The Snake Roberts
The Junkyard Dog Pound
Stone Cold Steve Winwood
The Fink-182
Kings Of Leon White
The Razor Ramones
Woo Woo Woo-Tang Clan
Grand Flash Funk Railroad
Tom Petty and The Heartbreak Kids
Aerosmith Hart
Brodus Clay Aiken
R. Kelly Kelly
Al Snow Patrol
Barry Darsow Manilow
Dynamite Kid Rock
Toni Tone Tony Atlas
Johnny Ace Of Base
Mr. Perfect Circle
Steve Blackman Sabbath
Shockmaster P
Iron Sheik Maiden
Joan Jett and The Bret Harts
LMFAOh You Didn't Know
Crosby, Stills, and Kevin Nash
Scott Hall and Oates
Daniel Bryan Adams
Nasty/Hardy/Dudley Boyz II Men
The Killer Bee Gees
They Might Be Andre The Giants
Little Jimi Hendrix
Demon Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Demon April Hunter
King Diamond Dallas Page
Waylon Mercyful Fate
(Marilyn Manson's Antichrist Superstar Billy Graham)
Village People's Elbow
Abba Ray Dudley
Paul Simon Dean
Dolph Ziggler Stardust
Flogging Molly Holly
The Hardcore Hollywood Undead
Bill DeMott The Hoople
The Plain White Booker T's
Jimmy Snuka Eats World
Stone Coldplay
Ezekiel Jackson 5
The Honky Tonk Manowar
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dreams I'll Never See

I had a dream of being a pro wrestler and I told my mom that I wanted to be like Hulk Hogan. She laughed and said ok, she never said "You can't!' or 'Over my dead body!" Mom was a singer and used that talent to make a name for herself. Sadly, smoking and other choices took her talent from her. I never knew how that felt until I found out my body wouldn't allow me to be the next Hulk Hogan...

I sometimes wonder how things would be if I had pushed myself harder, but you can't dwell on the past! My family believed in: "Always Move Forward", a belief system that helps me to this day. Now I do stand-up comedy and being on stage gives me that feeling of competition/showmanship. Wanting to "steal the show" but make the "event" even better than the folks that bought tickets to see us thought it would be... and that's just for an open mic!

I feel like I've kinda lost that drive a bit. My writing is lackluster because my mind isn't right. Moving forward can be difficult, especially when the momentum you've been building is taken away unexpectedly (i.e.- surgery).

Wow, I had a lot to say for once... LOL
Well, here's to the dreams we'll never see... May they be the ones we can't remember!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Monday, April 23, 2012


Well, it's Monday and I'm getting to watch Monday Night Raw (which starts at 8pm tonight and is a three-hour show) It makes me remember watching wrestling as a kid and seeing a show that would make me wanna be a wrestler too... Sadly, my body won't allow me to do so... But I always get the latest video game and create the wrestling version of me (as well as my friends)

I've noticed here lately that some folks are dream killers and that's basically because they never achieved their dreams and misery loves company. I grew up with the motto: "Don't Dream It, Be It" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. That motto (and film) was passed down to me by my mother and I am very thankful for that. It showed me at an early age to accept people for who they are. Which has helped me in some aspects of my life and employment.

It still makes me laugh when folks judge me for watching wrestling as an adult yet they know who I'm talking about when I talk to a fellow employee at work. Oh well... :)

Gonna relax and have some fun...
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Building The Dean's List

I've been slowly building a YouTube show called "The Dean's List" and I'm trying to get more and more folks on the show. Folks from all aspects of entertainment and promote them on the show.

I've been able to get some very cool folks to do the show so far. Dale Jones, Spanky Brown, Waylon Whiskey, Chad Rosser, John Upton, Jc from The Bone's Lair Podcast, Sassy Frass of White Lightnin' Burlesque and soon, there will be more!

I'm gonna start interviewing bands, porn stars, wrestlers, and more comedians! Numerous fans and folks I've interviewed have taken "Watch The Dean's List" pictures of themselves holding a paper or a sign saying just that: "Watch The Dean's List", thank you folks!!! Without ya'll, I would be just goofing on YouTube... (See Dino Bravo, LOL)

Let me know who you wanna see on The Dean's List and I'll do what I can to get'em!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Holograms And The Future

Ok, so Suge Knight (producer/founder of Death Row Records) says that TuPac is still alive! He states that no one saw the body after Pac was pronounced deceased and he knows where he is "hiding"...

Hey Suge, let it go! It seems like anytime "The Row" becomes forgotten, you have something to say or a re-release of a CD from an artist that left Death Row. I was a fan of Death Row back in it's heyday, but it's best days are like the Nintendo 64... Good to play every once in a while but it's time has past. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

The Future:
If TuPac can get a hologram, why can't I get a hoverboard like Marty McFly in Back To The Future 2? I've patiently waited for too many years and still nothing. It amazes me that the "Doc Brown: Trash = Fuel Theory" hasn't caught on! We could use the trash that we all have to fuel our vehicles and be able to cut back on oil. That would be one way to not have landfills and be able to lower costs of living, but who am I to say this is the best way to do things? The future right now looks bleak unless you're into technology! Oh but wait... Today is National Record Store Day!!! Steve Jobs, ahh ya'll know who he is, didn't listen to MP3s. He listened to Vinyl Records! I'm amazed how a "dead technology" is favored and preferred by so many that a "holiday" is made for it!

Here's to the future... "HOLLA!"
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Another Day Older And Deeper In Debt

If ya know the song, you get bonus points with me!

I'm wanting to spend more time on The Dean's List and I have to get more folks to interview. I'm gonna start reaching out to local bands and some entertainers that are in Knoxville but I also plan on heading out to other cities/states soon for interviews as well. I would love to get some of the local radio deejays on the show as well as some television personalities too!

Stay tuned, folks!!!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Wish...

I wish that I could play the lottery and win.
That my friends and family was financially sound. That I owned my own business. That all of this would come true today!

I know that hard work pays off and that easy money is easily lost. It just seems like the harder I work, the faster my money leaves my hands. I know ya'll feel the same way at times, if not all the time...

UGH... This week hasn't been a bad week, I guess I'm just letting things get to me...

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Another Day, Another Dollar

Work work work... Seems like only yesterday we were just kids in school waiting for recess and to go home to play with the neighborhood kids! Man I miss those days of watching real cartoons and playing kickball in the yard while the "grown-ups" sat and chatted things up.

Now at 31, I'm working to pay bills, rent, and trying to keep some money in my pocket/bank for an emergency. Things were so simple as a kid and all we had to do was... Well anything that didn't cause our parents/guardians to get mad and punish us.

Oh well, now I have to find ways to make work fun and because I'm "that guy", I get some backlash... LoL I'm not worried... :)
Enjoy your day folks and remember:

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Burned Out

Ever get that feeling of "blah"??? I have that feeling today and I really don't like it! A couple of folks have mentioned that I may be spreading myself too thin (yeah, a fat guy being told he's too thin LOL) and to be honest, I kinda feel that way now that it's been pointed out to me.

I think I may take some time off and just do some "Dean's List" stuff and do some videos for YouTube. God and work willing, I'll be at Out Front On Main in late May!

To kinda quote Dr. Dre, I need to get back to "the lab with a pen and a pad" and get my mind back on track! I'm not blaming anything on this feeling, because some folks are saying that it's just cause my appendix surgery has taken the wind outta my sails. It kinda has but it's really cause I'm burnt out.

I'll be on a break for a bit, but I'll always be here!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Monday, April 16, 2012

I Wanna Smack The Bangles!

Not hard or anything that would get me locked up! Just cause everytime I wake up on a Monday, I hear "Manic Monday" playing in my head...

I'm ready for work! Not my daily job, but the work of putting some jokes together to make folks laugh (hopefully a lot)! One day that will be my daily job, but until then... Nose to the grind!!!

I'm re-working my blogsite to link to other funny folks, comedy clubs, and business folks I enjoy working with so please check them out :) Also, I have my store up and running and we'll be adding new stuff soon!

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rocked The 'Boro

I was asked on January 13th to be apart of a comedy show in Murfreesboro Tn (somewhere I hadn't been before) by the very funny Jessica Carter (funny comedian from Nashville) on Friday the 13th... I won't lie, I was a little concerned if I would do good or not cause I've only been doing this since August 18th 2010 and I'm on stage with folks that have been doing comedy (or other stage/screen work) for years...

Luckily, I rocked the mic and the very funny folks that followed me did as well! Bryce (don't call me "Bryan") Damuth, Thomas Prunier, our emcee Peter Depp, and our headliner Jessica Carter were the comedians/performers/overall goof-balls took the stage like we owned it. Out Front on Main is a great place to do comedy, it's an intimate venue that you can just be yourself and the crowd was very receptive to the goofiness that we brought to the table... :)

I do wanna take a moment to say thank you to all of the performers, management, as well as the crowd for everything! (You all rock and thank you for welcoming me with open arms, it means alot! As well as asking me to come back in May with the very funny Alex Stokes) George W. Manus (owner/operator of Out Front on Main) I'm honored that I was able to be on your stage and thank you for asking me back! (Thank you for the cd, again!)

During my travel time to the show, I was able to come up with some funny ideas for a couple of shirts and having the "Rock Maiden" Brittany Hodge on the trip made things fun as well :) If you ever need an honest opinion about some METAL music, she's the one to go to! 

I'm very thankful for everytime I get an opportunity to get on a stage and make folks laugh, but know this: if you can't get close enough to feel me...
"Holla, if ya hear me!"

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pizza Hut Love Affair

It's Thursday and it's time for The Big Bang Theory and a Pizza Hut pizza!!!

It's something I do and like I've said before, I'd love to be on The Big Bang Theory cause it's a fun show and I've watched it since the first season!

Gonna get ready for a comedy show in Murfreesboro TN tomorrow night at Out Front On Main, so if you're close or in the area... Get on down there and let's have some fun!

Right now, I'm gonna watch Big Bang and eat my Pizza Hut Pepperoni Lovers Pan Pizza
(Product Placement LOL)

"Holla, If ya hear me!"
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Triumphant Return of the Fat Boy

I performed at Side Splitters Comedy Club in Knoxville TN and it was the second show since my surgery. I was nervous but, I had my pain meds (prescribed dosage only!) and I was ready to try to make folks laugh again. My set is getting tighter and I love interacting with the crowd (gotta be careful doing this cause you don't want the crowd to take control away from you) cause it can make things better if it goes right. When it goes right... You can pretty much write your own ticket!

If I am lucky enough to one day make my living making others laugh, I will be the happiest person in the world! I wanna do so much and I know one day that I'll have that chance!

Dream big and reach for the stars!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Drugs Are Bad

OMG!!! My adventure tonight was to be on stage and get my timing back, I forgot one little thing to help me and keep me from falling over in pain... My pain medication!

Now from what I was told, I did well and made some folks laugh :) The bad thing is I was in a lot of pain and had to leave early because of that. Normally and a common courtesy to the other comics/performers, you stay and show support because they've seen you do your thing and it's the right thing to do! Luckily, these folks are cool and understood. I just wanted to say thank you for being so understanding.

The real story happens when I got home! I came home and and took my dr prescribed dose of Oxycodone then I layed down. I fell asleep at 11pm and woke up refreshed and ready to start my day at 11:45pm!!! Drugs are bad but WOW!!! (And that's all I can say!)

I'm gonna lay down again and see if I have taken over the world when I wake up again!
Until then...

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Monday, April 9, 2012

Can't Sleep

I have been in bed for some time and I was about to fall asleep until the building behind my apt had an alarm go off! I was on the verge of kickin' back with a beer and chillin' out with my dog (that I don't own yet) on the porch (that I don't have)...

I was almost asleep when this frickin' alarm went off!!!

So now I'm relaxing and trying to let nature take it's course. All I hear on tv is food commercials, different shows and their "guest stars", then a "sleep-aid" commercial. The sleep-aid commercial was 20 seconds long, that's not a sleep-aid! That's a nap-aid! Oh well...

Hawaii Five-O is pretty good! (Yes, I watch CBS shows cause I'd love to be on one of the shows like "The Big Bang Theory" or "Mike & Molly". I would love to be on one of those shows, Big Bang would be my first choice due to the guys needing a "burly-nerd" that could get them outta trouble with brawn and not brains. Plus, it wouldn't be too hard to play myself: a "burly-nerd"!

Maybe one day, until then: Rest well folks!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

You're Disappointed In Me?

I've "upset" a few folks with some jokes I've said about Whitney Houston, Religion, and other things...

The latest was from Justin, talent coordinator for The Dean's List and the one that posts on @RealDeansList for Twitter. He posted "Does the Hollow Easter Bunny represent the Empty Tomb that Jesus was in?" I was surprised when some folks messaged me and said they were disappointed in me for that comment... I'm not mad that you thought it was me but when it plainly says "-Justin" at the end of it and you say that you're disappointed at me and I didn't say it, makes me wanna lash out but you know... I really don't care who I offend with my jokes or the jokes others are allowed to post on my site, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever!

Andrew "Dice" Clay, George Carlin, Sam Kinison, and countless others make jokes about religion and they are loved by millions, I allow one joke by Justin and get the "disappointed" talk... Big Deal! Lighten up or don't read the post!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Happy Easter

I hope everyone is having a great Easter and that you're enjoying the time with your family!

I'm enjoying this Easter by eating chocolate, relaxing, and watching the Rocky movies back to back! Ya gotta love Rocky!!!

I return to the stage this week and I'm nervous, just because I've been out of it for a while and I don't really have my timing back yet. It should be like riding a bike... Let's hope!

Have a Happy Easter and...
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Friday, April 6, 2012

The Dean's List with Dean Jennings

I wanted to do something that would let the world know who my friends are and that's when I came up with The Dean's List!

The Dean's List is a YouTube show that I host and I showcase my friends on the show. The show is an open show where folks can send questions via Twitter @RealDeansList or by email

First episode stars Waylon Whiskey, the Whiskey Driven-Microphone Bound Comedian from Knoxville TN

I've been lucky with this show! I was able to interview Comedians Dale Jones and Spanky Brown!!! Two guys that I respect in this business and was so happy that they agreed to do the show! This show is about getting their names out there so everyone can see and know them.

Soon I will have bands, comedians, strippers, entertainers, and my good friend Adult Film Star Kora Peters on The Dean's List!!!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Social Media

It amazes me how all of us are on some social media site either Twitter/Facebook or any others and if we were magically transported to a different time or place, we'd freak out! All because we couldn't tweet or poke our friends...

When I was a kid we had a phone, a pager (back when it was cool to have one), or a cell phone (if our parents had the money or we had a job). We passed notes in class and stuff like that. Now kids can text their notes or email them to their friends.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the social media outlets. I'm just mad that it wasn't around when I was in school when I could've really used it. Apps like "Bump" where you bump phones together and can exchange info takes the place of asking someone for their number... That would've been awesome in high school!

Look like I have some apps to download :)
"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

First Day Back At Work

Sorry for the hiatus! I wasn't really able to sit down and focus on any subjects plus, ya'll deserve a stable-minded person on here!

Well, I went back to work today and it wasn't bad. I did have some trouble early on (can't get into it, but no worries) but once I found my groove, it was smooth sailing.

The first day of any job is makes you feel so tired afterwards. Just like the first day back from vacation, it sucks going back and you know you have to go back... Maybe one day I'll hit the lottery or become famous, then I can make my own rules! Until then... "Holla!"
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