Saturday, April 21, 2012

Holograms And The Future

Ok, so Suge Knight (producer/founder of Death Row Records) says that TuPac is still alive! He states that no one saw the body after Pac was pronounced deceased and he knows where he is "hiding"...

Hey Suge, let it go! It seems like anytime "The Row" becomes forgotten, you have something to say or a re-release of a CD from an artist that left Death Row. I was a fan of Death Row back in it's heyday, but it's best days are like the Nintendo 64... Good to play every once in a while but it's time has past. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

The Future:
If TuPac can get a hologram, why can't I get a hoverboard like Marty McFly in Back To The Future 2? I've patiently waited for too many years and still nothing. It amazes me that the "Doc Brown: Trash = Fuel Theory" hasn't caught on! We could use the trash that we all have to fuel our vehicles and be able to cut back on oil. That would be one way to not have landfills and be able to lower costs of living, but who am I to say this is the best way to do things? The future right now looks bleak unless you're into technology! Oh but wait... Today is National Record Store Day!!! Steve Jobs, ahh ya'll know who he is, didn't listen to MP3s. He listened to Vinyl Records! I'm amazed how a "dead technology" is favored and preferred by so many that a "holiday" is made for it!

Here's to the future... "HOLLA!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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