Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Day, Another Dollar

Work work work... Seems like only yesterday we were just kids in school waiting for recess and to go home to play with the neighborhood kids! Man I miss those days of watching real cartoons and playing kickball in the yard while the "grown-ups" sat and chatted things up.

Now at 31, I'm working to pay bills, rent, and trying to keep some money in my pocket/bank for an emergency. Things were so simple as a kid and all we had to do was... Well anything that didn't cause our parents/guardians to get mad and punish us.

Oh well, now I have to find ways to make work fun and because I'm "that guy", I get some backlash... LoL I'm not worried... :)
Enjoy your day folks and remember:

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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