Sunday, April 8, 2012

You're Disappointed In Me?

I've "upset" a few folks with some jokes I've said about Whitney Houston, Religion, and other things...

The latest was from Justin, talent coordinator for The Dean's List and the one that posts on @RealDeansList for Twitter. He posted "Does the Hollow Easter Bunny represent the Empty Tomb that Jesus was in?" I was surprised when some folks messaged me and said they were disappointed in me for that comment... I'm not mad that you thought it was me but when it plainly says "-Justin" at the end of it and you say that you're disappointed at me and I didn't say it, makes me wanna lash out but you know... I really don't care who I offend with my jokes or the jokes others are allowed to post on my site, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever!

Andrew "Dice" Clay, George Carlin, Sam Kinison, and countless others make jokes about religion and they are loved by millions, I allow one joke by Justin and get the "disappointed" talk... Big Deal! Lighten up or don't read the post!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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