Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dreams I'll Never See

I had a dream of being a pro wrestler and I told my mom that I wanted to be like Hulk Hogan. She laughed and said ok, she never said "You can't!' or 'Over my dead body!" Mom was a singer and used that talent to make a name for herself. Sadly, smoking and other choices took her talent from her. I never knew how that felt until I found out my body wouldn't allow me to be the next Hulk Hogan...

I sometimes wonder how things would be if I had pushed myself harder, but you can't dwell on the past! My family believed in: "Always Move Forward", a belief system that helps me to this day. Now I do stand-up comedy and being on stage gives me that feeling of competition/showmanship. Wanting to "steal the show" but make the "event" even better than the folks that bought tickets to see us thought it would be... and that's just for an open mic!

I feel like I've kinda lost that drive a bit. My writing is lackluster because my mind isn't right. Moving forward can be difficult, especially when the momentum you've been building is taken away unexpectedly (i.e.- surgery).

Wow, I had a lot to say for once... LOL
Well, here's to the dreams we'll never see... May they be the ones we can't remember!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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