Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Burned Out

Ever get that feeling of "blah"??? I have that feeling today and I really don't like it! A couple of folks have mentioned that I may be spreading myself too thin (yeah, a fat guy being told he's too thin LOL) and to be honest, I kinda feel that way now that it's been pointed out to me.

I think I may take some time off and just do some "Dean's List" stuff and do some videos for YouTube. God and work willing, I'll be at Out Front On Main in late May!

To kinda quote Dr. Dre, I need to get back to "the lab with a pen and a pad" and get my mind back on track! I'm not blaming anything on this feeling, because some folks are saying that it's just cause my appendix surgery has taken the wind outta my sails. It kinda has but it's really cause I'm burnt out.

I'll be on a break for a bit, but I'll always be here!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
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