Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rocked The 'Boro

I was asked on January 13th to be apart of a comedy show in Murfreesboro Tn (somewhere I hadn't been before) by the very funny Jessica Carter (funny comedian from Nashville) on Friday the 13th... I won't lie, I was a little concerned if I would do good or not cause I've only been doing this since August 18th 2010 and I'm on stage with folks that have been doing comedy (or other stage/screen work) for years...

Luckily, I rocked the mic and the very funny folks that followed me did as well! Bryce (don't call me "Bryan") Damuth, Thomas Prunier, our emcee Peter Depp, and our headliner Jessica Carter were the comedians/performers/overall goof-balls took the stage like we owned it. Out Front on Main is a great place to do comedy, it's an intimate venue that you can just be yourself and the crowd was very receptive to the goofiness that we brought to the table... :)

I do wanna take a moment to say thank you to all of the performers, management, as well as the crowd for everything! (You all rock and thank you for welcoming me with open arms, it means alot! As well as asking me to come back in May with the very funny Alex Stokes) George W. Manus (owner/operator of Out Front on Main) I'm honored that I was able to be on your stage and thank you for asking me back! (Thank you for the cd, again!)

During my travel time to the show, I was able to come up with some funny ideas for a couple of shirts and having the "Rock Maiden" Brittany Hodge on the trip made things fun as well :) If you ever need an honest opinion about some METAL music, she's the one to go to! 

I'm very thankful for everytime I get an opportunity to get on a stage and make folks laugh, but know this: if you can't get close enough to feel me...
"Holla, if ya hear me!"

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