Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Drugs Are Bad

OMG!!! My adventure tonight was to be on stage and get my timing back, I forgot one little thing to help me and keep me from falling over in pain... My pain medication!

Now from what I was told, I did well and made some folks laugh :) The bad thing is I was in a lot of pain and had to leave early because of that. Normally and a common courtesy to the other comics/performers, you stay and show support because they've seen you do your thing and it's the right thing to do! Luckily, these folks are cool and understood. I just wanted to say thank you for being so understanding.

The real story happens when I got home! I came home and and took my dr prescribed dose of Oxycodone then I layed down. I fell asleep at 11pm and woke up refreshed and ready to start my day at 11:45pm!!! Drugs are bad but WOW!!! (And that's all I can say!)

I'm gonna lay down again and see if I have taken over the world when I wake up again!
Until then...

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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