Saturday, April 28, 2012

Off The Chain

Time to catch ya'll up cause I've missed a couple days, I think... I can't recall, but that's besides the point. Last night was PROMedy at Side Splitters Comedy Club and I had a blast watching my good friend Kristine Kinsey host for the very funny headliner The Midnight Swinger! AWESOME show and then the festivities afterwards were just as AWESOME! DJ Jake James on the wheels of steel and the party was off the chain!

I am working on getting some new parodies and I'm writing new material from my life... I hope it works, but it's true stuff and it makes me laugh :) I'm also working on getting more folks on The Dean's List as well as going outside of Knoxville, TN to do more shows and interviews. Work willing, I'll be able to just that. If not... Well that's for another story...

Got some editing to do and will have some interviews uploaded hopefully this Sunday!

"Holla, if ya hear me!"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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