Thursday, June 7, 2012

Don't ya just love pics like this? I know I laugh everytime I see something similar to this picture. It's kinda like the look a significant other would give you if they really wanted something or if a child was kind of scared or nervous about something. That's just my thought on the picture...

Have you noticed how everything is getting "bundled" nowadays? Cable, internet, and phone is the rage. I've seen a floral shop next to a funeral home. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! Yeah, cheap pun but you laughed! It's getting ridiculous or as my friends JD Maverick and April Hunter (Wrestlers and All around cool folks!) say: "Ri-Cock-ulous!" I've even seen a gas station next to a place to buy firearms, all it needs now is a liquor store and a titty bar and it'll become a criminal's paradise! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the one stop shopping experience but that's a messed up deal to have a florist next to a funeral home... My opinion!

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