Monday, June 18, 2012


It's been a tradition in my home to watch a scary movie everyday during the month of October and ending on Halloween with the 1978 classic Halloween. I hated October as a kid because of this tradition. I got to watch the Disney Halloween shows and stuff like that but once I went to bed the adults would pop in a horror movie. October 31st, 1991 I told my mom that I wanted to watch Halloween with her. She smiled as she asked: Are you sure? I said: Yeah, I'm eleven and big kids watch Halloween. Truth is, they watch it when they don't have to go to bed because I didn't sleep at all that night. I was hooked on that feeling of being scared as well as excited at the same time. Plus I got to spend more time with my mom and other family when we hung out like that. I miss those days.

The horror movie genre was in my blood. While my mom was pregnant, she would go see these movies and this explains my tastes for buttered popcorn and cherry coke. I was amazed to find this out cause mom had an extremely weak stomach and the least little thing could make her ill. She could handle her horror movies! Well, except Hostel... To be honest with you, I can't handle that one either. There are some horror movies I won't watch due to some issues I have. I Spit On Your Grave is the main one I'm talking about and not just the remake. Sorry, I went a different direction there.

Once I got older I kept the tradition alive and every October night you'll find me watching a horror movie. I miss the days of having the family come over on Halloween night and enjoying a movie but mostly enjoying the time with them. What's your Halloween tradition?
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