Friday, June 8, 2012

Trained by the Best

I was told not to offend anyone as a child and yet I still offended folks in some way. Everyone gets offended by something and think you're not gonna offend anyone, is just a fallacy! I have offended people in church by wearing the clothes I had at the time. The weird thing was, it was my Easter gift and it was an outfit with shorts. I was pulled to the side by a lady that I respected and she said she was disappointed in me for wearing shorts to church. I don't remember saying anything back to her but I was upset about it. I thought to myself, "Would she have said that to Jesus if the was all he had at the time?" "Would she turn away a homeless man if he needed to hear the word of God?" These thoughts made me question everything I knew at that point and it sparked that internal flame of: I'll have the last word! I became the "heel" or bad guy at church and to be honest, I kinda dug it. I questioned everything not to be an ass but to see how much information people really had about what they were talking so much about. Now don't get me wrong, I am a Christian and I believe in God but, I'm not close minded and judgmental of folks when they enter the house of the Lord. At one time the only dress shirt or button up shirt I had was a Scarface movie shirt that had the words money, power, respect on it. Of course I got some looks from the older folks, but I didn't care. I was with my buddy who had a mohawk and was someone that church looked up to. When he was talked to, it rattled his faith! He knew of my struggles and asked how I got through it and my words shocked him. "I don't care what they think! I am true to myself and if people are offended, then I don't need to associate with them!" I was an open book to my friends and the folks around me.

"It's better to be an open sinner than a false saint" - Wicked Jester Quote

My comedy has caused me to lose friends and gain new ones. My life decisions have done the same, yet I persevere and push on. The motto of my Grandfather, Grandmother, and Mother is the very one I live by and will be the next tattoo I get: "Keep Moving Forward"
Tomorrow is the goal, yesterday is done, and today is mine for the taking! I forget that sometimes and have to remind myself to recite this, almost like a prayer. I have no ill feelings toward that lady or the folks of that church or my buddy's church for how they treated him. I literally have better things to worry with. I feel bad for them for being that way toward anyone in that situation. Karma finds us all, one way or another! Thanks for checking out my blogs folks, it means a lot to me and just remember that they all won't be serious like this one! :)


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