Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Nightmare On Elm Street

This series was the most talked about in my circle of friends. I was scared to death of Freddy Kruger when I was a child but, I also wanted to watch the movies without having nightmares. Now before you start on parenting I'll say this: I wasn't allowed to watch an "R" rated movie until I was 17... As far as my mom knows ;) I watched the first Nightmare at 18 years old and was hooked on the series. Robert England was funny as the child killer Freddy Kruger, usually funny and child killer don't go together but they describe this character perfectly. As the story goes, Freddy was a child molester/killer and the parents of Elm Street locked him in his basement and set fire to his home, leaving him for dead. Freddy made a deal with the dream demons and now enters the dreams of the sons and daughters of the Elm Street families. Preying on their fears and fantasies all while saying something oh so clever just before killing them. Some of my closest friends still remember their first nightmare with Freddy as their tormentor. I was always on the same side as Kruger, is that weird? Anyway, I loved the Nightmare series and when I heard about the remake I was a tad skeptical. It was a darker take on the series and I thought it told more about Kruger and how he really was. Thank you to the New Line Cinema folks and all of the cast members for bringing this series to all of us fans!
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