Friday, June 22, 2012

No Panty Day

Celebrate this day!

Here's the story of why this picture is on my site. I posted it on Facebook and all of my friends liked the pic, or so I thought. Someone reported it and FB removed it. I see nothing vulgar in this picture nor do I see anything that could be considered upsetting. If someone doesn't like the picture, block the person don't hurt the rest of his/her friends as well. But since everything and almost everyone wants to be God now, I'm gonna rebel and be myself! So enjoy this pic and comment as much as you want!
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  1. Hmmm...I did not realize that a 'No Panty Day' even existed! Thanks for edumacating me!

  2. I agree, thanks for the education. But I have definitely seen worse than this on Facebook. Oh well, some people are just plain stupid man.
