Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Days Of Horror: Day 11

I remember people freaking out about this movie and I never understood why until I watched it. The Ring had a number of my friends not wanting to answer their phone for a while. LoL!

The Ring is an American version of a Japanese horror movie called Ringu.

In the movie folks watch a video and that seems to trigger a phone call where the person calling says that "you'll die in seven days..." (Paraphrasing) I watched this movie with friends and had heard about the "easter egg" on the dvd where you could see what was on the video. I had planned to call my buddy, who doesn't like horror movies, and scare him a little. After we watched the video, my phone rings and everybody laughed cause it made me jump. That was a funny night!

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
0- Tear My Soul Apart, 'Cause This sucks!
1 - Let Freddy Kill Me, 'Cause I'm Asleep
2 - Strap Me To The Chair, This One's A "Shocker"
3 - Am I In Phantasm? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball
4 - Great Scares Take "Shape"

The Ring gets
3 - Am I In Phantasm? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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