Monday, October 22, 2012

31 Days Of Horror: Day 22

I had someone suggest this movie and I'm sorry that I have forgotten their name at this time, I watched this and was surprised to see the use of terror and not gore in a horror movie for today's audience. It was refreshing to see a PG-13 rating for a horror movie. The story was pretty good as well, having a teacher that has feelings for a student and then kills her family so they could be together was definitely a different take on the genre. I recommend this one if you wanna scare the young ones.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
0 - Tear My Soul Apart, 'Cause This Sucks
1 - Let Freddy Kill Me, 'Cause I'm Asleep
2 - Strap Me To The Chair, This One's A "Shocker"
3 - Am I In Phantasm? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball
4 - Great Scares Take "Shape

Prom Night gets
2 - Strap Me To The Chair, This One's A "Shocker"

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