Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days Of Horror: Day 17

I was asked if this movie would make the list and since my buddy and favorite bartender Rusty Penland in Knoxville Tn dressed up like the main character for a Halloween party, I thought it was the right thing to do. On a side note, visit Rusty and my favorite bouncer "Power T" Tyler Trephon at The Pint House 815 Merchant Drive, Knoxville, TN 37912 and if you tip well, they'll treat ya well!

Shaun Of The Dead rocks! I'll admit I thought at first that it was "just another zombie movie" and that it would suck. I was wrong on so many levels. This british hor-medy (my word, feel free to use it) made me think of how would I deal with the zombie apocalypse and how would I get to my friends and loved ones. It takes a genre and doesn't spoof or parody it, but injects a bit of humor into a film of death and destruction.

Simon Pegg plays Shaun, an electronics clerk that seems to be lost in life until one day everything just goes bad. His pen busts and leaks red ink, his girlfriend breaks up with him and it just doesn't look good for him. His best friend Ed (Nick Frost) takes him to the Winchester Pub and hoping to cheer Shaun up, they have drinks and head back home. Their roommate is a dork (my opinion) and scolds them for playing music too loud. Ed asks: "What's wrong with your hand?" and the roommate goes on about a mugger that bit him and finally goes upstairs to sleep.

The next morning Shaun goes to the market and is oblivious to his surroundings. Zombies are basically all around and only a few humans are left. Does Shaun survive? Does he get his girlfriend back? Does Ed ever get off the couch? You'll have to watch and find out!

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
0- Tear My Soul Apart, 'Cause This sucks!
1 - Let Freddy Kill Me, 'Cause I'm Asleep
2 - Strap Me To The Chair, This One's A "Shocker"
3 - Am I In Phantasm? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball
4 - Great Scares Take "Shape"

Shaun Of The Dead gets
4 - Great Scares Take "Shape"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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