Tuesday, October 9, 2012

31 Days Of Horror: Day 9

Said to be the scariest movie of all time, The Exorcist is the one movie that you can mention to anyone and their reaction is usually the same: tightening of body, closed eyes followed by bulging eyes, and in a trembling voice they say: I'd rather not watch it. Some folks are different when you mention it to them, but everyone remembers the scene where Regan (Linda Blair) turns her head completely around and gives that look of pure evil as she does it. There was even a parody of the movie called Repossessed starring Linda Blair and Leslie Nielsen.

The thought of being possessed by a demon let alone the Devil himself has been on the minds of many folks. Not that they would want it, some maybe, but of how horrible it would be to have that happen. It was written that a man was once possessed and Jesus cast out the demon and put it into an animal. I guess that's why some food tastes good but goes through a hellish process (cheap joke).

I watched this at the ripe ol' age of 22 and I won't lie, I watched it during the day. I didn't understand how something could be so scary until I watched the whole movie. It is a scary movie and I can safely say that it will go down as the scariest of all time.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
0- Tear My Soul Apart, 'Cause This sucks!
1 - Let Freddy Kill Me, 'Cause I'm Asleep
2 - Strap Me To The Chair, This One's A "Shocker"
3 - Am I In Phantasm? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball
4 - Great Scares Take "Shape"

The Exorcist gets
4 - Great Scares Take "Shape"
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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