Monday, October 8, 2012

31 Days Of Horror: Day 8

Patrick Gaffney in Murfreesboro TN had went on and on about this movie and I figured I'd give it a shot. I didn't know much about it and all I knew was the title: The Human Centipede (The First Sequence).

I caught it on Netflix and it started out like any other horror movie. As it continued, I started to feel uneasy. Like something wasn't quite right about this doctor. Then I saw a scene which summed up the reason why it was a horror film. In porn they use a term "Ass To Mouth" or "ATM" and this doctor would surgically attach someone's mouth to an anus. There's a scene when the "leader of the pack" says: "I gotta take a shit!" The person behind him squeals in horror... Yeah, this film was out there and since misery loves company... I suggest you see it, even if it's to make fun of it.

On The Dean's List Horror Scale
0- Tear My Soul Apart, 'Cause This sucks!
1 - Let Freddy Kill Me, 'Cause I'm Asleep
2 - Strap Me To The Chair, This One's A "Shocker"
3 - Am I In Phantasm? 'Cause I'm Having A Ball
4 - Great Scares Take "Shape"

The Human Centipede (The First Sequence) gets
2 - Strap Me To The Chair, This One's A "Shocker"
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